Gosh, has it been nearly a week already? I really don't know where the time is going. But it seems to be faster and faster. Doesn't it? Christmas is just over 3 months away. I can hardly stand the thought. Although, it is a fairly pleasant thought at the moment as I look at my weather.com thermostat. It is HOT in Houston! That is why I am sitting in front of my computer right now. Fortuantely, Lance has not taken it away from me in an effort to save power. LOL.
So here's the latest...
Jordan is feeling all better now. It was the weirdest thing but I"m glad it's over with. He only missed one day of school and didn't change colors all week. He told me some other kids did so I know it wasn't just about his teacher being nice. LOL. I am optimistic that he will continue to do well.
Orientation went well. Jared's teacher was Joe's teacher when he was 2. So it's nice that we already know her. And Joe's teachers seem really nice and excited about the year. They are new to the school so they haven't become jaded yet. LOL. Really, I think you teach preschool because you want to and because you love 4 year olds. So I think it will be a great year. 2 more days and they start.
Yesterday was baseball tryouts. We decid ed not to play Select again. With Joe starting, I can not commit 6/7 days a week to baseball. It is going to be exhausting as it is. We have some friends who may be putting together a new select team in the spring so we may think about it then. But for now, we're happy with that decision.
Tryouts went pretty well. This will be Joe's first time playing. He is in the 6U league and is one of the youngest kids out there. I guess that goes without saying, considering he is only 4 years old! They play coach pitch underhand in his league. They don't waste time with a tee. Either you can hit it or you can't. I like that. Our neighbor, Steve, is going to coach in the 6U league because Nicholas missed the cutoff. So, Lance told him that he will assist. I think Lance is more excited than Steve is. LOL. He really wants to coach but it is hard to commit with his job. I think that will work out nicely, though. Oh and how do you like that snazzy new helmet? He may may not be able to hit the ball, but he will look good trying (just like his momma).
Jordan moves up to the 8U league this season. They play coach pitch overhand. Jordan is pretty excited about that. He did not like playing tee ball over the summer. We know 4 or 5 of the coaches in that league so we are pretty confident that he will be drafted to a team with someone we know. I didn't get to watch him but Lance said he did pretty good. Must be his new bat. :)
Next week is 'THE DRAFT". They draft these kids just like the big leagues do. Even at 4 years old. So, now that the kids have tried out and the coaches have watched and rated all of the players, they will decide who they want to put on their team. It will be interesting to see how it all works out. I think they actually have their first game on September 11 so it will be here before we know it.
In other news, the Astros still suck. I didn't even bother to stay up last night to see if they came back to win the game (not likely). I played bunko last night. Only 8 people were there so we didn't actually play. We just sat around and talked which was fun. We rolled for for prizes. There are 5 prizes and only 7 of us could win. I still lost.
Not much else is going on here. Lance is working and should be home in a few hours... I think. We still need to catch up on 8 hours of Without a Trace before the new fall season starts, so I'm hoping we may started on that tonight. Then it is back to school for another fun-filled week. Hope you're having a good one!
BTW, I uploaded more photos from tryouts. The boys played at the park afterwards and I got some fun shots of them. Check them out when you have a chance. :)