... and you can be my cowgirl. Anyone remember that song? I swear, I LOVED that song when I was in high school. Really, it was a lame song but so 80s. Any other fans out there? How about the first person to reply with a verse back to me gets a prize? I have been singing this song all day and now that it will be stuck in your head, too, it only seems fair to do something nice. :)
On to the actual point of my post... If you aren't familiar with the Houston area, then you probably wouldn't know that the Houston Rodeo is a BIG deal. It is a month long event with a concert every night featuring the most popular names in entertainment. They also have exhibit halls filled with cows, rabbits and horses, (and probably some other animals we never got around to seeing). Not to mention tons of shopping, every type of food you can think of (including fried oreos and twinkies which are supposed to be really good but I can't bring myself to try them) and a carnival that is bigger than any I have ever seen before.
The Rodeo is such a big event, we even celebrate it in our schools. There are art contests and dress up days and at the preschool, they even take pictures and have a special lunch. On Rodeo Day two weeks ago, I did my best to dress up Joe and Jared in their finest western wear. But since our wardrobes are somewhat limited in that capacity, this is what we ended up with. They still look pretty cute, I think. Although, I'm sure no self respecting cowboy would ever wear Jared's "Sherriff Woody" hat.
During Spring Break, we decided to venture out to the Rodeo to see what it was all about. I can tell you what it is all about. It is about draining your wallet faster than a trip to the Pottery Barn. Seriously, everything there costs crazy money. It cost us $12 to park our car. Then it was $18 for 4 of us to get in the gate. Then it was $7 for the gigantic turkey leg that Lance ate for lunch. Not to mention a minimum of $2.50 per ride for the carnival rides. Lucky for me, I found a bargain on Craig's List. At the last minute, someone decided to sell their $110 worth of ride tickets for $25.00! I had to drive an hour to Cypress to pick them up but it was totally worth it!
.........Joe and Jared had a blast. They loved riding all of the rides, especially the ferris wheel. They also enjoyed feeding the animals in the petting zoo. But they probably had the most fun racing me and Lance down the Euro Slide. And Joe got to ride a pony. I posted some of the pictures here and will post the rest in an album. I didn't get an amazing shots but some of them are pretty cute. I had a hard time with the light because the clouds kept coming in and out and I couldn't figure out what setting to use on my camera. I really need to take a class or something. But who has the time?
Now it is back to life as usual. Jordan got back from Las Vegas on Saturday and he returned to school today. We are back to baseball every day and we have tournaments the next 2 weekends. I am glad for things to return to "normal" but I know I'll be wishing we were back on vacation soon enough. We didn't do a darn thing all week and it was nice. But having the boys back in school will be nicer. :) I know a lot of people are out on spring break this week. Hope you all have fun! And can you believe, we only have 2 months left before summer vacation? I had better start stocking up on my valium now. Have a good one!