While we are pretty busy around here, I can't help but think that I could have better time management skills. Take this morning for example. I woke up, made breakfast for the boys and then came in to read my email, as I do most mornings. I had a friend send me a link to the Washington Post Peep Show 2 diorama contest which I had to check out. When I finished looking at that, I was intrigued by the entry based upon a Filipino prison where the inmates reenacted Michael Jackson's Thriller video. So, I did a search to find it. Thanks to my good friend, YouTube, I did. And all I can say is they must be pretty bored in that prison to get hundreds of inmmates to do that dance so accurately.
Once I finished watching that, I couldn't help but look at the links posted on the right side of the screen which recommend other videos you may like with similar themes. One such video was a wedding party who choreographed the Thriller dance and performed it for their guests. I don't know when they opened up the bar at that wedding, but I am pretty sure most of the people I know would have to be pretty hammered before they would do that. So I give them credit for their performance.
As I continued to look at the collection of videos based on the song "Thriller" I was even more intrigued by a video made with Legos that reenacted the entire 14 minute video. It is a little blurry and jumpy and really doesn't get good until you get to the 7 minute mark. But I have to give mad props to whoever spent the time working on it because they must really not have anything else to do. Then again, I spent the last 2 hours watching YouTube videos made by people I don't know so I am not sure I have the right to judge. My other 2 favorite Lego videos were OK Go - Here it Goes Again based on the awesome original video of the guys dancing on the treadmills, and White & Nerdy, featuring the Weird Al song. Even cooler is this response video which includes the original. You can see how accurate it was. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't trying to figure out how to make a video of my own with the bazillion Legos the boys have. But, better judgement and a birthday party this afternoon have brought me back to reality.
I seriously need to find something better to do with my time. But if I am going down, I am taking my friends with me. If you are a Lego fan at all, you need to check out some of these videos. Is it any wonder why I haven't finished formatting my Disney pictures yet?
Other than that, it's the same old here. Lance is working so it's just me and the boys until tomorrow. We have a birthday party today and another one tomorrow. We have another gorgeous weekend on tap. It's 80 rght now and couldn't be prettier outside.
Baseball started last week and Jordan's team did great. They won both games in extra innings. They could have played a lot better but in the end, they got the win and kept the games exciting. Joe's team only had one game and they had a bit of a rough start. But that first game is always the toughest. Joseph got to play third base for an inning and spent the rest of the game in the outfield. He doesn't have that desire to make plays so he really isn't suited for infield. But I am glad he got the chance. Maybe his competitive spirit will kick in later in the season. For now, he is just having fun which is fine by me!
I guess that's it for now. Time to get ready for the party. Have a great weekend!
BTW, can you believe that Thriller is more than 25 years old? How does that make you feel?????