As you may have gathered from previous posts, Joseph & Jared love their costumes. Not a day goes by when they are not dressed up as some sort of tv or movie character. And there is no rhyme or reason to their choices. I keep a drawer filled with costumes in their play room and I am always anxious to see who they are going to be next.
So, while I was diligently working on more photos today, I came across this picture of them back in July, dressed as a builder, and a fireman, with "kitty" in matching attire. I started to think that maybe this would be a good topic for the week. So I present to you "costume week". I am pretty sure I can find 6 more pictures of them in costume for your viewing pleasure.
Other than that, it's just another day in paradise. The weather is nice and Lance actually has a day off so he took the boys to the park. I was going to clean up the mess from this morning (which always seems to be worse when Lance is home) but that seemed like such a waste of my quiet time so I sat here and worked on pictures instead. I am hopeful that I will be done by Friday (since my New Year's deadline already passed).
Well, I guess I need to figure out what is for dinner which probably means a trip to the store. I wonder if I can pick up Chili's take out and call it my own. Unfortunately, I don't think that will fool anyone. Hope you had a great weekend! I'll be back tomorrow with more of costume week.