So I was feeling kind of bad because I have spent the last week posting pictures of Joseph & Jared and I didn't want Jordan to feel left out. I am sure he would love to know that I am putting this on the Internet for all the world to see (or the 6 people who read this thing). But it only seemed fair. Then again, he can't be too mad because he did pose for me.
Every once in awhile he will get into character and wear a costume with the boys but most of the time he can't be bothered. I guess he is 9 years old now. But I still love that, at 9 years old, he is very much a kid. In my opinion, kids today grow up way too fast and I am in no hurry for that. I love that my boys enjoy to playing outside, riding bikes and climbing trees. In fact, there are days I have to beg them to play a video game because they are constantly looking for something to do. I know some kids who are forced outside just to get fresh air because all they do is play video games. I can't being to imagine having that problem.
On another note, Friday was report card day and Jordan came home with slightly lower grades than the last time. He is always in such a hurry to finish his work that he doesn't take time to double check his answers and his handwriting is atrocious. While he is predisposed to the bad handwriting gene, compliments of his parents, he can do better. Anyway, that was not the worst of it... his teacher wrote on his report card that "Jordan is having a hard time staying seated. At least once per day, he falls out of his chair." I am not sure if that comment is supposed to horrify me or make me laugh. But I can see how that would be a distraction to the class. I wonder if it would be in bad form to send him to school with a bungee cord so his teacher can strap him to his chair? In any case, this quarter, Jordan will be focusing on better handwriting (which I think will equal better grades) and not falling out of his chair. No one ever told me that school was going to be so challenging!
I guess that's it for now. I just took my game room photos and I am going to work on formatting them so I can share. Home Improvement week starts tomorrow so be there or be square. :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!