I am sure you were tuning in to read another exciting tale about how I spent my New year's Eve. Sadly, I have no great tale to tell. Lance had to work and that really took the festive mood right out of me. We have never been big on celebrating New Year's, anyway. I am sure the "mean lady" who lives across the street was happy because we have hosted our fair share of block parties in our driveway over the past year and since she hates everyone (particularly us when we have parties), I am sure it came as a great relief to her that there was no happiness or celebrating going on within a 100 yard radius of her house. Another neighbor was kind enough to invite us to her house but I opted for staying home and watching a movie with the boys instead. Of course, they were all passed out 10 minutes into it, leaving me on my own and in bed by 11:00. I did manage to watch a few minutes of the celebration in New York and once I was satisfied that I had celebrated enough for this year, I went to sleep. That lasted for about 45 minutes... until the fireworks started. We did not do fireworks in Las Vegas so when we moved out here, that was an eye opening experience. It sounds like a war zone with fireworks blasting one after the other. And the people out here spare no expense. Most of the fireworks here are illegal in Las Vegas so they are great to watch (when you aren't trying to sleep) but it just seems like such a waste of money. As long as I am not paying for them, I don't complain.
So, my big new year's project has been organizing. I threw away a TON of junk from two of my hall closets and I did some major organizing in the garage. I never thought I would complain that a 3-car garage is too small. But when you count the 10 bicycles (3 are not pictured here), 2 scooters, Ripstik and 4 bat bags, it fills up quickly. This is when you insert the obvious question... "why do we have 10 bicycles?" The answer is, "I don't really know". It's almost like it's become an experiment, similar to "how many clowns can you fit into a Volkswagen Bug?" It's nice because when we have friends come over to play, we have a bike for everyone (and then some). But it is quite a process to fit everything back into the garage once they have been taken out. Now that the garage is organized and clean, I would like it to stay that way so I really want to stay on top of that.
Now it's a new year and it's time to make some resolutions. I am pretty sure I have never kept a resolution past the second week of January, but I am optimistic this year. So here we go...
1. The ever predictable get back to the gym. I need to either stop eating junk or start exercising. If I did both, it would be even better. The boys go back to school on Tuesday, so I might as well accept the fact that I will not start before then. Besides, that gives all of the other slackers 6 days to quit going before I start. You know how I hate crowds.
2. Keep up on this blog. I want to post at least 3 times/week. That shouldn't be too difficult. I just need to remember that all blog entries to do not need pictures, nor do they need to be a thesis on how I spent my day.
3. Keep up on my pictures. I love taking photos but I am terrible about formatting and saving them. I have so many pictures from this year that I haven't even looked at. If I had better time management skills, this would not be a problem. So I am going to work on that, too.
4. Cook dinner at least 3 days/week. I know I could say 5 days/week but I am trying to be realistic here. I need to start planning for the week and stick with it. This one may be harder than getting to the gym. Perhaps I will schedule my cooking days for the days I do not blog?
5. Get rid of at least 3 bikes (and not acquire any more). This one is thrown in there for guaranteed success because I have no problem with getting rid of stuff. I just have to do it when Lance is on a trip.
Well, there you have it. We'll see how it goes. Happy New Year!!!!