At long last... it's time for home improvement week (insert cheers here). We have lived in our house for 7 years and I can honestly say, I love our house as much today as when we bought it. Of course, I have a list of about 30 projects I would like to complete and a massive lack of funds so we just do what we can when a good deal comes our way. I am also very lucky to be married to a part time handyman. Lance is a lot more inclined to take on a project if he can do it himself because it saves a LOT of money. And he does a pretty good job. I may have to endure some swearing and it might take a little longer but it is always worth it in the end.
One of our biggest undertakings this year was iron balusters. Since we built our house, I have always regretted not putting them in. We had the white pickets, which are VERY common in Texas. And while they look pretty with the white trim and crown moulding, I never really loved them. So in May, poor Lance had to cut out and replace 205 balusters with the iron. It was a huge project and very time consuming but it was completely worth the effort. He did an awesome job and it has completely changed the look of our house.
The pictures below are from our front entrance. Another one of my favorite additions was the light fixture we purchased at Sam's Club for $99 a few years ago. It was probably my best purchase EVER. It looks so pretty and you would think it cost a lot more. I also love the sign above the door which I purchased a few months ago in Canton. I have been wanting to post a picture of it but I had to wait until after Christmas because I bought one for Karen, too. Isn't it cute?
The next 2 pictures look from the foyer out to the living room. and I have another favorite sign beneath the catwalk. I also got that in Canton. Isn't it perfect?
Last but not least, I am posting some pictures of Lance cutting out the old balusters and what they looked like before we put in the iron. Big difference, huh? This view is from the living room towards the front door. We have a catwalk that goes from one side of the house to the other. The iron also goes around the loft above the study (which can be seen in the first photo) and to the left on the photo below, above the living room.
Well, I guess that's it for today. I have to get the kids in bed and catch up on some of my t.v. programming. We are getting DirecTV on Friday and our DVR is full of programs that need to be watched. I am SO happy that all of the shows are coming back on, but I don't know how we are going to keep up with American Idol and Lost getting ready to start again. I am sure we'll manage, though. :) I'll be back tomorrow with more pictures.