As you may have noticed, home improvement week has come to a screeching halt and has suddenly turned into home improvement month. The last few weeks have been really busy with preparation for the Valentine parties this Friday and with Joseph's Disneyland birthday celebration last weekend that was followed by 4 birthday parties for other friends in the last 7 days! As much as I love birthdays, I won't complain if we don't get invited to another party for awhile.
Anyway, most of our time has been spent with busy-ness but nothing too exciting (notwithstanding Disneyland, of course). The worst part is, I have successfully broken every new Year's resolution I made before the second week of February. I haven't even managed to get rid of the bikes in my garage. But that is on my list of things to do, along with cooking more (again) and keeping my blog updated. Seriously, when they say you need a vacation when you get home from vacation... it's so true. I spend more time catching up and getting back to normal than anything else.
So last week Joseph celebrated his 7th birthday. That is almost impossible for me to believe. For his birthday, he wanted to go to Disneyland so that he could go to the Lego store. For some reason, I think it would have been cheaper to find a Lego store in Texas but I am never one to pass up one more trip to Disney, especially since our season passes expire this month. Lucky for us, we fly for free and we got an awesome deal on Priceline for our hotel rooms and rental car so it was probably a wash (and way more fun). We also brought Jordan's friend, Elijah along with us. He has never been to Disney and it seemed like a good opportunity. Of course, the boys were thrilled to bring him along because he is like a brother to them. I think he was pretty overwhelmed by the entire experience... his first ride on an airplane, his first trip to Disney and he even got to meet Brad Ausmus (the catcher for the Houston Astros.... what are the odds of that?). It was really an awesome trip. Joseph couldn't have been more excited, either. He got a birthday button at City Hall so every time a Disney cast member would see him, they would wish him happy birthday. He was king for a weekend and he loved it! Now I have a ton of pictures to format but I have a few finished so I will share them. I'll post more later.
Well, I need to get back to formatting pictures and catching up on blogs. Home improvement week returns tomorrow. Have a good one!