As you may have guessed from my sudden disappearance (well not completely sudden, but you know what I mean) Spring is upon us and so is the new baseball season!
All 3 boys are playing league this season which is likely going to be an exciting and completely overwhelming experience for me. I love watching the boys play and the thought of all 3 of them playing at the same time makes me a little sad because I can't stand the thought of missing a game. Take last season for example.... I watched every one of Joseph's games because Lance was coaching Jared. Of course, the one day Lance couldn't be there, I had to go to Jared's game and I missed Joe's. Our friend Larry went to watch for us, and wouldn't you believe, half way through the game I get a call telling me Joseph hit a "grand slam" (Karen, that is a home room with bases loaded). It was so exciting and so heartbreaking all at the same time. I am glad someone was there to see it... I just wish it was me.
Anyway, Lance is coaching Jordan this season which leaves me responsible for figuring out how to get Joe & Jared to 2 different practice fields at the same time on the same days. I'm sure it will all work out... however, I am likely to finish the season with a few extra gray hairs (which I definitely don't need).
The last few weeks have been interesting. You would not believe how much work goes into selecting a 10U league team. Here, the kids have to try out and then they are drafted to a team. Lance, Larry & I sat out at tryouts a few weeks ago and we evaluated all of the players. Following tryouts, SEVERAL hours were sacrificed along with a lot of paper and printer ink, as we determined our ideal team. I honestly think the baseball season itself will be less stressful than listening to the debate as to who our first round draft pick should be. In any case, an agreement was finally made as all of our potential players were ranked. Lance went to the draft and did a pretty good job of picking the kids he wanted for our team. So far, he and Larry are very pleased with the outcome. I guess the true test will come when the season starts on March 30.
BTW, Jordan is a 10U Yankee, Joseph is an 8U Marlin and Jared is a 6U Yankee. I guess the odds of getting 2 Yankees was pretty much the best I could hope for. Asking for 3 would have been considered greedy. The plus is, I have an excuse to have more shirts made.
I wish I could say that we had something else exciting going on but baseball has pretty much dominated the conversation and most of our activities recently. Jordan is pretty much finished playing with the Eagles select team. He may play with them for the summer but we will probably be burnt out by then so we are thinking we'll just enjoy some baseball free fun. Then again, old habits die hard so I am not going to say "no" quite yet.
The boys are doing well in school. Oh and the Valentine's boxes were a huge hit. When I went to Jordan's party, there were 4 other Lego boxes in his class. None of them came close to the masterpiece created from my extreme OCD. Of course, that was the goal and I always enjoy a little validation.
I guess that's it for now. I am working on some new dugout sign designs for this season and I am hoping to sell a lot. I really can use the cash. It's a good thing I have cheap labor working for me! I do worry that they are going to report me to the Dept. of Labor soon if I don't start paying them with more than beer.
BTW, the picture at the top of the page was Jared at one of Jordan's games last summer. I kept meaning to share it. Everyone loved him because he would go to every game in full uniform. The pitcher's helmet was just icing.